Thursday, July 31, 2008

Old friends...

I'm really into this blogging thing today! Have just finished editing another chapter and am so happy - have decided to spend more time blinding myself at the PC! Sometimes I wonder whether I would even have a life to write about if it weren't for my 'beloved laptop!' - my friend, my confidante and often my muse!!

So here I am with my evening cuppa, rice for dinner on the stove, getting this blog sorted!

Am posting the poems from my other blogs here in an attempt to get organized at the suggestion of my cousin Aseem. One because it was rational and second 'coz rational is so 'rare' from Aseem ;) (kidding bro! you are the best!)

And that's why I thought this title appropriate - because it felt like revisiting old friends. Every poem is special - bringing back treasured memories of joy and pain. Reading them is like slipping under my ancient, dog-eared comforter and curling up, safe from the madness of the crazy world outside! My oasis, my harbour, my sanctuary...just like old friends so often are...

Will start with my first, my precious, my oldest friend...Awakenings.


Ace said...

Rice cooks faster in an electric rice cooker, and stays adequately smooth. Try this rational suggestion I make. :P

Crazy Goan Girl said...

I would except that I hate rice that's cooked in any kind of cooker - too starchy!
I stick to the old goan way...vaalun kelela bhaat :) But thanx bro - must have been a strtech - two rational suggestions in a row - dimaag ko zyaada stress mat karo bhai ;) :P